the weather was so nice that j and i spent the entire day in the park. we ate lunch, "people watched", and tried to get tan. later in the day our best friend amie joined us with her nephew [the cutest munchkin ever]. he was calling all of us ti-ti [short for tia which means aunt in spanish] look at him with those m&m's!!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
the weather was so nice that j and i spent the entire day in the park. we ate lunch, "people watched", and tried to get tan. later in the day our best friend amie joined us with her nephew [the cutest munchkin ever]. he was calling all of us ti-ti [short for tia which means aunt in spanish] look at him with those m&m's!!

on thursday i went to my friend arnold's birthday party at the grace hotel. i had never seen an indoor swim up bar so it was very cool. the bar was double sided, one wet and one dry, his party was on the dry side but the swimmers certainly added to the atmosphere. the dj was pretty good although he decided not to play my request [freaky girl remix, gotta love lil kim].
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

haagen-dazs "five" ice creams are made with only 5 ingredients! i love the mint, i kinda miss the green color and chocolate chips [childhood] but i like the simplicity of just milk, sugar, cream, eggs, and mint. other "five" flavors include: passion fruit, ginger, vanilla bean, brown sugar, milk chocolate and coffee.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009

i took this picture from vashtie's blog to post about this guy's gear. pegleg is a friend of mine's older brother's clothing line and they have some good ideas [men in floral prints for one]. they recently began selling their clothes at the opening ceremony store in ny. i have to say i wouldnt mind a man showing up for a summer date with that t-shirt on [maybe a different hat]

i really love polaroid cameras, something about the way they capture a hazy scene in a tiny white frame is often better than the blueray level clarity of digital cameras. unfortunately the film for "white framed" instant pictures has been discontinued so get it while you still can... i just copped some on amazon
Saturday, April 18, 2009

i heard that my favorite spoken word poets performed at the germantown poetry festival today, so im sad i wasnt there this year. the twin poets are summa cum laude graduates who chose to become role models by serving their community through social work and poetry. their poems are amazing and ive seen them perform them several times. there arent that many videos of their live performances on the web but here is one [their poem starts at 1:02] enjoy!
Thursday, April 16, 2009

barney's co-op opened in philadelphia today! i had visions of being there on opening day [and even one false alarm] but sadly im in new york today... i guess ill just have to head over to the co-op on wooster st and pretend. as soooon as i get back to philly a trip to co-op and a rouge burger are in order!
Sunday, April 12, 2009

happy easter! God is good.
im currently devouring pink marshmallow peep bunnies so i thought id share some peep facts:
1. peeps have been the best selling non-chocolate easter candy for the past decade
2. yellow is america's best selling color of peeps chicks and bunnies
3. easter peeps come in yellow, pink, lavender, blue, green, and red
4. seasonal peep shapes are manufactured for valentines, halloween, and christmas
5. the only peeps that arent white on the inside are the new chocolate mousse ones [the best]
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

the lego twins dee and ricky [who are actually 2 out of a set of triplets] showed up on the scene when their lego accessories debuted on marc jacobs' runway a few years ago. after their lego heart pins showed up on the likes of kanye west, the twins were catapulted into nyc style mini stardom. recently they teamed up with alife and these shirts are the results. pretty cool especially because, as dee told me, "the shirts have a double meaning for girls" [very mature].
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

amazing and ambitious work from artist jr, called "women are heros". this project covers 2000 square meters of slum shacks in kenya. the shacks are covered with photos of eyes, mouth, and faces of women in the village. i like it because it recognizes the strength of the women upholding the villages.
there were so many more photos of his i wanted to post but i'll leave it at these for the sake of brevity. just don't be surprised if you see more of his work up here, the works are really amazing.
visit and for more info.

"it means luca brasi sleeps with the fishes" many of you recognize that quote from my favorite movie [of all time] the godfather [released in '72]. today, while surfing the web, i found a resort where you can eat with the fishes. located in maldives, one of the resort's restaurants is 16ft below sea level. it reminds me of the "glass bottom boat" i went on in hawaii. trip to the indian ocean anyone?
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

its not like its the first time young people have heard that the "mind is a terrible thing to waste" (i mean thank you uncf...) but it just sounds different and relatable coming from michelle. like lauryn hill, staceyann chin, and more, michelle reaches out to the spirit of girls in a profound way. also she touched upon a subject that is seldom brought up but terribly important and that is the facets of romantic relationships.
too often girls measure themselves by standards of society like the appreciation they get from boys and materialistic measures. think about how many girls aspire to be the girl in the video with all the attention rather than the girl who stays up every night studying to be a doctor. how many of them strive for the relationship valued in how much their man does for them monetarily rather than spiritually. it pains me to see girls who don't see how special they really are and try to live up to the expectations of some boy and don't realize their full potential. i feel like i see lots of girls in relationships who put too much emphasis on pleasing their man and not themselves (and no i'm not talking about sexually). the whole concept of "if i don't do it then the next girl will" is such bs, i mean fuck it, let the next girl do it if it's not part of who you want to be. they seem to act a certain way out of fear of disappointing or losing their man when they need not fear a damn thing and just keep it moving.
now comes the preachy part: understand the joy that comes from liking to make the man in your life happy and from letting him know he is truly appreciated. however, never make that man your end all, be all and always make it clear how you are to be respected. if he can't get down with it, forget him, there will always be someone who will. bottom line, know who you are, know what you want, figure out how to make it happen and never settle for less.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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