a few gentlemen close to my heart are involved in the making and selling of clothing so im showing love:
chit which is an acronym for creativity helps innovate trends, was started by one of my close friends from philly. chit quickly became a metaphor for a particular lifestyle that involves cash, clothes, shoes, fine women, fine dining, vacations, and paradoxically the appreciation of the simpler pleasures of the hood, namely, the quarter hug [a juice found in corner stores]. their merchandise has been showing up on the well dressed youth ever since. shouts to todd [boog] and joe [cookie].
true face was started by another close friend of mine and has not yet hit the markets. there is an artist behind the designs so be ready for hand painted images silkscreened onto shirts, sweatshirts, and the like. above is the artwork from my first true face t-shirt. shouts to ace [face].
it's always good to let your friends know their endeavors are important to you.