t by alexander wang tank

on my actual birthday [thursday] i was a little bummed because my friends had told me they were too busy to hang out. little did i know my sister had planned a surprise dinner for me and they were all lying to keep it a surprise. i was sooo shocked i cried haha. my sister picked the perfect place [varga bar] i had never been there before but they have delicious cocktails [one with bubble gum vodka] and food [mini burgers, truffle mac and cheese with bacon, and cereal flavored ice cream, i die]. she put soo much thought into it, like putting personalized "lil bits" stickers on the bottom of hershey kisses [similar to those seen here] and i reallllly love her for it, i owe her a million trips to starbucks.
on friday my family and i went to dinner at steven starr's new restaurant pizzeria stella [try the one with proscuitto and arugula] . steven starr himself was walking around the restaurant so i basically grew mega balls and walked up to him and introduced myself!!! he was very nice and i finally got to tell him how much i admire his business. it was nice birthday treat.
sooo here are my gifts, i got a lot of money [so expect some purchases soon] and a gift certificate but beside that i recieved a t by alexander wang tank [lovelovelove thin soft gauzy tanks], a free people shirt [the front is sheer- very sexy], and [from my mom and dad] the shorter version of the dvf coat i died over [here] !!!!!!! cant wait to wear it