a few suggestions for valentine's day:
1. ladies, hopefully you don't normally dress like ice-t's wife but for valentine's day lets look to coco for some form-fitting inspiration. american apparel's double u-neck dress comes in a variety of colors and offers a very sexy blank canvas for you to make unique with your favorite accessories.
2. if you go out to dinner with your beau then come back home for homemade dessert or if you make dinner then go out for dessert. in philly, get crepes at beau monde [the nutella and strawberry one is a killer]. in new york, max brenner's offers a ridiculously long dessert menu or keep it casual and go to pinkberry [original flavor with fruity pebbles please].
3. to the gentlemen: come correct. no matter what she says, it's a big deal. im not saying make reservations at le bec fin [upstairs] and run to hermes for a new pocket square, all im saying is, let her know the deal. don't set her up for a night of grandeur if it's not in the cards. if it's casual, make sure she knows ahead of time [it will effect your gift and her outfit]. for the super casual date i suggest dave and buster's to those in philly and serendipity 3 to those in new york. fall back plan? sushi is always good.
4. in regards to gifts: girls you're on your own. you know your man better than i do [hopefully] and i figure you know what he likes. as for the gentlemen, thanks to jeezy, i recognize that we are in a recession: it's not the year for those roundtrip tickets to the south of france but don't surrender just because your knots still fit in skinny jeans. if you know your girl well then you know what makes her smile...[besides new louboutins and sex and the city re-runs]...it's you. so even if you give her something on the cheaper side what is crucial is whether or not she can tell you put thought into it. if she can, she should still reward you with whipped cream and madness later on. if not, as a last resort, flash her those dimples.