noticed a few blogs with this up so i thought id follow the trend and tell you 10 things you might not know about me:
1. i pride myself on text message wittiness and get great joy out of each response i send [i always laugh at my own jokes]
2. i sleep with a teddy bear that my dad gave me for valentines day when i was like 4
3. i have ocd tendencies [dont we all?]
4. i have legitimate cravings for french fries and chocolate but i could subsist on arugula [with lemon and shaved parmesan] and veuve clicquot rosé alone
5. im really grateful for the life i live and the people who love me
6. my grandmother passed away in march and ive really been struggling with her death. she means the world to me
7. after a certain hour [around 12am] i only watch the food network on tv
8. im addicted to internet shopping [buying and browsing]
9. people compliment me on the length of my hair so much im scared to cut it
10. i always get colds in the summer time [i have what sounds like pneumonia right now]