on sunday i returned from our annual vacation in martha's vineyard. there are always the same delights: family, friends, good beach days, kite flying, mudslides at donovan's reef, sunset dinners at nancy's by the dock, lobster dinners from the net result, leftover lobster omelettes the next morning, lobster rolls from the grace church [none of which i eat because im allergic], shopping in oak bluffs, vineyard haven, and edgartown, coffee from beetle bung or mocha motts, seeing hamburger at giordano's, basil lime gimlets, the bet party [dnice is the dj], obama sightings, morning glory farm etc. but two things really set this year's trip apart for me; 1. we got keys to a private beach [the beach was bought by 20 families in 1950 who own it until 2050 - only 20 coveted keys exist and we were blessed to have one for a few weeks] . the beach is beautiful [and empty!] with no rocks [which are typical on vineyard beaches] and there are beautiful views of the aquinnah cliffs. it was so great that upon arrival my sister changed her bbm status to "nirvana" and hasnt changed it since. 2. the fireworks display this year was amazing. literally the best ive ever seen, which is an accomplishment for a small island.
martha's vineyard,
you give me a gift every year! ill miss you. see you next summer
love, lil bits