j and i went to 2 concerts last week. the first was pharrell and girl talk. girl talk totally blew pharrell out of the water [sorry skateboard p]. i loved girl talk live, he was so into the music and everyone was dancing. he also had a super trippy psychedelic slideshow of floating fruit and flying babies playing behind him. the second concert was snoop dogg and kid cudi. kid cudi was kind of weird live [i dont recommend seeing him in concert] but snoop did not disappoint. j and i literally squealed with excitement as he sauntered on stage. to our delight his hair was braided and tied up with gold ballballs. he performed old classics [gin and juice, what's my name, the next episode etc.] and a few songs from his new cd malice and wonderland- which has a permanent place as disc 4 in my truck because i loveeeeee him. he is one of the only gangsta rappers who successfully bounces between talking about killing people and talking about sex in the same verse.